Thursday, July 22, 2010


Life is so beautiful for me...
but is too short if I dont do anything good...
just like the wiseman said about life...
life is like a moving wheels that rotate along the road...
it meant that sometimes we stand on the top and another time we will fall down...
its mean that nothing is perfect and everything need others...
for this note I just want to share something with you.
and I will attach some video. Enjoy.


Juxtaposition is define as the position of two object that are different in so many way, in other word that they are contrast is placed together or near to each other. It is somehow weird but it is quite unique in a way, placing two object that are contrast for example like black and white picture. Juxtaposition can make the viewer of the image drawn to the object difference or similarities between the objects. Juxtaposition can make one of the object stands out because of the contrast. In art juxtaposition sometimes use to draw people attention and to make it stand out for example the object color is contrast to the background so it would make the object in the picture stand out from the background and the viewer can determine which is the background and which is the object in the picture.


Associated Mind Map

This is the MORTAR and PESTLE

For Power
they use it to hit the robber or the bad guys.

For Fashion
they put the pestle as a crown on their head and mortar as a jewelry.

As Noise
it can be as music, screams and games. And it will be very noisy.

As Food
it usually be the cooking equipment and it use to make some spice in the food. Same as medical. It use to make some herb by pond the medical leaf for herb.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Way of Creative Thinking

this is the mind map about me...
and this is originally written and scan
but the scanner in my room is not good enough to show the whole mind map.

If I get the good scanner I will upload it back.
Thank you

Anyway I am not good enough about the explain thing for my self. And I don't know how to write about myself. Basically I will have a friends to write about me and then it not so hard to write from them.

As I say before, writing a mind map about myself is very difficult because I dont know where to start and where to write. I just write about my family and something like a biography to me. Something like an education, hobby, favourite foods and drinks etc.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


In this real world, everything is not impossible to be come a real thing. Today in every city something new always displayed in every side of city. Everything needs upgrading and every people like to having a new things and always updated even there is no hard evidence for them. To create something new, we must be creative and have creativity ,because to attract people we must show a new things that everybody never think it before. To invent a new product, every company spend a lot of money to research and create a new one. Inventing something is not easy if we don't have a plan and the evidence for the person, function and security is the number one for every product in the world .In design something new, we need innovation, the different between our product from the others, like Ipad from Apple and HP Slate from Hewlett Packard. There is something different and attract people to buy and using it, without this there will be no more people wants to see your product. If you have a good product and in many years still lead the market , in one time you must be think to upadte your product to make your product still exist and ahve a good prospect to step up into the next step you must do novelty.

This is the image of my public figure.