Sunday, September 19, 2010


This is Our Final Product.

Digital Art

As stated from a reliable source, digital art is a term used generally to describe the range of artistic works and practices that is gained from digital technology. Formerly known as digital art today had other various names to describe such work, which includes computer art and multimedia art. It is another type of contemporary art that uses computer technology to create distinctive works. Digital art was pioneered in the 1970’s but only came into its own as a viable art form with the widespread availability of computers, appropriate software, video equipments, sound mixers, and digital cameras toward the end of the 20th century. Digital art can be of purely computer-generated, such as fractals, or an image drawn using vector graphics software using a mouse or tablet, or taken from another source, such as a scanned photograph.

The existence of digital art has transformed traditional ways such as live painting, pencil drawing and sculpturing, while new forms, such as 3D modeling, digital installation art, and virtual reality, have become more recognized artistic practices. Moreover, as digital art is a term applied to contemporary art that uses the technological methods, the term digital artist is used to describe an artist who makes use of digital technologies in their production of art.

As many would know, digital art has many aspects to it. To name a few, multimedia, motion graphics, new media art, digital illustration, digital painting, digital poetry, computer graphics, computer music, virtual art, video game design, pixel art, photo manipulation, movie special effects, dynamic painting, and many more that is soon to be perceived by the art society.

The techniques of digital art, nowadays, are commonly used by the mainstream of media in the advertising industries, and by filmmakers to produce special effects. It is possible that general acceptance of the value of digital art will progress in much the same way as the increased acceptance of electronically produced music over the last three decades. Artworks are considered digital painting when created in similar fashion to non-digital paintings but using software on a computer platform and digitally outputting the resulting image as painted on canvas.

Digital printing and digital photography is now an acceptable medium of creation and presentation by major museums and galleries, as digital art is widely known to everyone. Internationally, many museums now are beginning to collect forms of digital art for displays. One distinct reason why the established art community finds it difficult to take in digital art is the inaccurate awareness of digital prints being endlessly reproducible. Although, many artists tend to erase the relevant image file after the first print, making it a unique and limited artwork. Photo manipulation software’s are now available through many sources that provide the service, creating a vast and creative library of highly modified images, many bearing little or no hint of the original image. Using fine electronic versions of brushes, filters and enlargers, these professional “neographers” produce images unachievable through traditional photographic tools. Digital artists have the skills to manipulate scanned drawings, paintings, collages or lithographs, as well as using any of the above-mentioned techniques in combination. They also use many other sources of electronic information and programs to create their work.

3D computer graphics is also considered as one of the many aspects of digital art. It is created via the process of designing complex imagery from geometric shapes, polygons, or NURBS curves to create three-dimensional shapes, objects and environment. It is normally be used in various media such as film, television, print, rapid prototyping and the special visual effects. Many software are now available to be use to create such effect.
Digital installation art composes a broad field of activity and incorporates many forms. Some artworks resemble video installations, particularly large scale works involving projections and live video capture. Projection techniques is said to enhance an audiences’ impression of sensory envelopment, many digital installations attempt to create immersive environments. To put it in simple words, installation art describes an artistic genre or site-specific, three-dimensional works designed to transform the perception of a space. Normally, the term is applied to interior spaces. For example, to take Noah Wardrip-Fruin’s interactive new media art piece entitled “Screen” is an installation art. User enters the room, which is the art itself, to view and interact with the piece produced. Through bodily interaction, such as a hang gesture, user can move and bounce the text around the walls.

Nowadays, there are plenty of professional digital artists that can be seen all over the world, even on the Internet. Even those who have a job of manipulating photos are bound to be called a digital artist. Although, a few are recognized from their original and exclusive artwork that has never been seen of. For example, famous digital artists such as Roy Ascott, Heiko Daxl, Michael Naimark, Graham Smith, Lillian Schwartz, Nicola Pezzetta, Charles Csuri, Donna Cox, Shawn Brixey, Scott Snibe, Laurence Gartel, and many more, are known for their excellent skills in creating artworks that inspire others in a digital art form.

From our personal opinion, digital art will soon expand its popularity and demands as it uses the latest equipments from today’s culture. In many ways, creative multimedia is a part of digital art as some of the aspects involve the characteristics of multimedia. It is also creatively construct to deliver information or merely just for entertainment’s sake. Computer technology and it’s related field are what many companies of different areas requires as it is faster and easier. Furthermore, digital art can imitate traditional art with added extra creativity and stylization. Related industries now requires many of digital art’s aspects to convey messages, stories and information in a way traditional art could not. Therefore, making it a number one demand, it will soon grow and someday become a part of traditional art in the near future.

Mind Maps

This is the mind map about Creative Multimedia and Digital Art.


This is some sketches made by our group.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Own Reflection : Parody

this week is full of parody I think because many of my friends is give me a bunch of parody video from youtube. I think is good for me if my stress level is very high. But now my stress level is in avarage. SO it will not affect me to much. BTW this is the video that my friends give it to me.

Just make a POEM

this is the next part of juxtaposition that we must write a passage that describe the concept of  "LIFE" in the picture of FIRE, LIGHT etc. This is the picture.

this is the POEM

Life is like a fire
it can give you a light and warmness
if it dies you will be surrounded by darkness
and you won't be warm again
life is your fire

nah this is my POEM (read a bunch of sucks words...:p)
and I think is enough...:D

take care and see you

Juxtaposition 2

Hmmm the title seems like a movie it have a sequel...:P
Btw this is the second review from the lecture about juxtaposition. Actually this is not review because we have to do some exercise about juxtaposition. First we choose a couple of number between 0 - 9. We must have three pairs of those couple numbers. And after we have this three, we continue to match those number with the word that come next for example I have a number 19, so from the list 1 = wind and 9 = oil, so we have a words wind oil. After that we must draw something that represents those words. Very fun and confusing actually....:p

this the mess (I mean the picture about the exercise if u dont understand it)

have a nice day and thank you....:D

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Life is so beautiful for me...
but is too short if I dont do anything good...
just like the wiseman said about life...
life is like a moving wheels that rotate along the road...
it meant that sometimes we stand on the top and another time we will fall down...
its mean that nothing is perfect and everything need others...
for this note I just want to share something with you.
and I will attach some video. Enjoy.


Juxtaposition is define as the position of two object that are different in so many way, in other word that they are contrast is placed together or near to each other. It is somehow weird but it is quite unique in a way, placing two object that are contrast for example like black and white picture. Juxtaposition can make the viewer of the image drawn to the object difference or similarities between the objects. Juxtaposition can make one of the object stands out because of the contrast. In art juxtaposition sometimes use to draw people attention and to make it stand out for example the object color is contrast to the background so it would make the object in the picture stand out from the background and the viewer can determine which is the background and which is the object in the picture.


Associated Mind Map

This is the MORTAR and PESTLE

For Power
they use it to hit the robber or the bad guys.

For Fashion
they put the pestle as a crown on their head and mortar as a jewelry.

As Noise
it can be as music, screams and games. And it will be very noisy.

As Food
it usually be the cooking equipment and it use to make some spice in the food. Same as medical. It use to make some herb by pond the medical leaf for herb.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Way of Creative Thinking

this is the mind map about me...
and this is originally written and scan
but the scanner in my room is not good enough to show the whole mind map.

If I get the good scanner I will upload it back.
Thank you

Anyway I am not good enough about the explain thing for my self. And I don't know how to write about myself. Basically I will have a friends to write about me and then it not so hard to write from them.

As I say before, writing a mind map about myself is very difficult because I dont know where to start and where to write. I just write about my family and something like a biography to me. Something like an education, hobby, favourite foods and drinks etc.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


In this real world, everything is not impossible to be come a real thing. Today in every city something new always displayed in every side of city. Everything needs upgrading and every people like to having a new things and always updated even there is no hard evidence for them. To create something new, we must be creative and have creativity ,because to attract people we must show a new things that everybody never think it before. To invent a new product, every company spend a lot of money to research and create a new one. Inventing something is not easy if we don't have a plan and the evidence for the person, function and security is the number one for every product in the world .In design something new, we need innovation, the different between our product from the others, like Ipad from Apple and HP Slate from Hewlett Packard. There is something different and attract people to buy and using it, without this there will be no more people wants to see your product. If you have a good product and in many years still lead the market , in one time you must be think to upadte your product to make your product still exist and ahve a good prospect to step up into the next step you must do novelty.

This is the image of my public figure.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Every human have creativity and born to be a creative person but they are never know how to open their creativity and take the potential from them. Being creative is not easy or very hard, you must think different and outside the box to be a creative person and so talented , there so many features that we can see from another creative people. Most of them are different in act, mind ,idea, skill and sometime a little bit freak but for me it was just the outside from the inside we can know that she or he have a great ability and skill to interpret their idea into something different, new and helpful. God create humans to help each other and share their knowledge to each other but sometimes people not recognize that not everybody wants to share it and wants to receive it, in this case we need a creative people to make this things happen without any problem. Being creative it must be talented but for me everybody is a creative person and they are not aware, to be a creative person must have a process we have to work hard,patient and faith that we can do it and we can make it, having ability is also same as process without ability we just an empty can and the thing that we should have is an attitude, nobody in this world accepted someone without attitude, attitude reflecting their habit and skill if it is good it will be great but if it is poor it will be disaster. So being a creative person you must have ability, attitude and process.

Inside creative person there is creativity , my definition about creativity is the talent that comes from god to everybody to create something that helpful and new without ruin the others and share the knowledge to others to create the new one again. To finding creativity is not easy but not hard. Updating ideas ,think something easy and then match it in reality, share your knowledge to get the new knowledge do not to be an individual person but becoming the humanities that care with the others. Creativity can also become the disaster if it is not deliver in the right side , example like a World Wide Web, now everybody can access it and open it around the world without having problem from this technology comes cyber crime that hack and stole money or secret data from the bank or company, they are very skilled and clever ,they are creative and have creativity but in the wrong side. So from this example I can see that creativity can make something helpful but also harmful.

This is the creative movie poster of Smokin'Aces. Why I say it creative because the design of this poster is unordinary. They make it simple but very strong design.When I watch this movie the story is so good and we must thinking to know the full story.

 This is some creative picture from the web. Why I think is creative? Because the lamp is fill with the water and then there is a fish live there. And I think what will happen to the fish if the lamp is attach to the electricity?

And this is the picture of my friend that I draw it myself. Her expression is like thinking of something with her tongue slightly protruding out. Is so fun to drawing like this because I like drawing and I am still not good making a shadow effect.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Hallo my name is Dimas Isnain Wahyadiatmika
My ID are 1092700710
and I am the student of FCM in Bachelor Multimedia of Virtual Reality
Let us share each other